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Leveraging AI: Integrating Wix Chat with ChatGPT

Writer's picture: Faysal JaaliFaysal Jaali

Updated: Feb 11

how to integrate Chatgpt to Wix Chat App

In the modern digital landscape, engaging with your audience in real-time is paramount for delivering exceptional customer service. This is where integrating a cutting-edge AI like ChatGPT with your Wix Chat can be a game changer. In this article, we'll guide you through the steps required to seamlessly integrate ChatGPT with your Wix Chat on your website.

Before we go further, we invite you first to explore and interact with our live demo to experience firsthand the seamless integration of Wix Chat with ChatGPT.

For better user interaction, learn how to build a custom contact form in Wix. If you're using dynamic content, custom filters with Wix Velo can help refine chatbot responses.

Introduction to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, capable of understanding and generating human-like text. It can handle a wide array of queries, making it an ideal companion for your Wix chat system.

Benefits of Integration

  1. Real-time Responses: With ChatGPT, you can provide instant answers to customer queries, enhancing user experience.

  2. Cost Efficiency: Automating customer service can significantly reduce operational costs.

  3. 24/7 Availability: ChatGPT ensures that your business is responsive around the clock, even during off-hours.

Step 1: Install Wix Chat

  • If you haven’t already, add Wix Chat to your website via the Wix App Market.

add Wix Chat app screenshot

Step 2: Create a ChatGPT Account

1.1 Visit the OpenAI Website:

1.2 Sign Up for an Account:

  • Click on the “Sign Up/Login” button, usually located at the top right corner of the page.

  • Fill in the required details including your email address, and a strong password, or use your Google account.

  • You may also need to provide additional information or agree to certain terms and conditions.

1.3 Verify Your Email: (Skip if you used Google Account)

  • After signing up, you’ll likely need to verify your email address by clicking on a verification link sent to your email.

  • Check your email inbox (and spam folder, just in case) for the verification email from OpenAI, and click on the link provided to verify your account.

1.4 Access the OpenAI Dashboard:

  • Once your email is verified, log in to your OpenAI account.

  • Select API and you will be taken to the dashboard,

  • On the top right, click on your name, then "View API Keys."

Screenshot of openai website with API key highlighted

1.5 Generate API Key:

  • In the API Keys page, find and click on the option to create a "new secret key".

  • Give your API key a name that will help you remember what it’s for, like “Wix Chat Integration.”

  • Click on “Create” to generate your new API key.

1.6 Secure Your API Key:

  • Store the Key Securely: Use Wix Secrets Manager to store your API key. Go to Velo Tools > Secrets Manager, add a new secret, and name it ChatGPT_key.

Step 3: Configure Wix Velo

3.1 Enable Wix Velo:

  • From your Wix Editor, click on "Dev Mode" at the top bar, and then select "Turn on Dev Mode".

screenshot turn on dev mode on wix

3.2 Access Backend:

  • Once Velo is enabled, navigate to the "Site Structure" panel usually located on the left side of the editor.

  • Click on the “Backend” folder to access the backend files of your website.

3.3 Create a New .web File:

  • Right-click on the Backend folder, select Add, and choose New Web Module to create a new .web file.

  • Name the file, such as chat.web, or use any other name you prefer, then click Create.

3.4 Write the Function to Connect to ChatGPT:

  • In the chat.web file, paste the following updated code to integrate ChatGPT effectively:

import { Permissions, webMethod } from "wix-web-module";
import wixSecretsBackend from 'wix-secrets-backend';
import { fetch } from 'wix-fetch';

let chatGPTKey;

// Securely fetch the ChatGPT API key
async function getChatGPTKey() {
    if (!chatGPTKey) {
        chatGPTKey = await wixSecretsBackend.getSecret("ChatGPT_key");
    return chatGPTKey;

// Main ChatGPT function
export const getChatGPTResponse = webMethod(Permissions.Anyone, async (messages) => {
    const url = "";
    const model = "gpt-4o-mini";

    if (!messages || messages.length === 0) {
        return "Can you rephrase that? I didn’t quite catch what you mean.";

    const secret = await getChatGPTKey();

    const payload = {
        model: model,
        messages: messages.slice(-5), // Limit to the last 5 messages for context

    try {
        const response = await fetch(url, {
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
                "Authorization": `Bearer ${secret}`,
            body: JSON.stringify(payload),

        const data = await response.json();

        if (data?.choices?.[0]?.message?.content) {
            return data.choices[0].message.content;
        } else {
            return "Sorry, I couldn't process your request.";
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error in ChatGPT response:", error);
        return "There was an error processing your request. Please try again.";

Explaning the code:

This function enables communication with ChatGPT:

  • getChatGPTKey(): Retrieves the API key securely using Wix Secrets Manager.

  • fetch: Sends a POST request to the OpenAI API with the conversation payload.

  • Payload Structure:

    • model: Specifies the ChatGPT model to use.

    • messages: Includes the conversation history, ensuring contextual replies.

    • System Prompt: Instructs ChatGPT to respond as a helpful assistant. In this example, the assistant's role is a branded helper for CodeMasters Agency.

  • Response Handling: Processes the API response and returns the generated text.

  • Error Handling: Catches and logs any issues, ensuring your site remains user-friendly. Catches any errors during the API request (e.g., network issues, invalid payloads).

3.5 Save and Publish Your Changes:

  • After inserting the code, save your .jsw file by clicking on the "Save" button, usually located at the top right corner of your Wix editor.

  • Don’t forget to publish your site to make these backend changes live.

3.6 Verify the Function:

  • It's a good practice to verify that the function is working correctly.

  • You can create a small front-end test function to call getChatGPTResponse and log the result to the console.

This completes the setup for Step 3. You have now created a backend function that will interact with the ChatGPT API. The next step will guide you on how to connect this function with your Wix Chat to enable real-time, automated responses to user queries on your website.

Step 4: Link Wix Chat to ChatGPT

4.1 Create events.js in Backend:

  • Navigate to the "Site Structure" panel on the left side of your Wix editor.

  • Right-click on the "Backend" folder, select "Add" and then choose "New JavaScript (.js) File".

  • Name this file events.js.

screenshot shows how to add backend folder in Wix

4.2 Import getChatGPTResponse Function:

  • In events.js, import the getChatGPTResponse function from chatjsw.

import { getChatGPTResponse } from 'backend/chat.web';

4.3 Define wixChat_onMessage Function:

  • Now, define the wixChat_onMessage function to handle new messages from Wix Chat.

import { getChatGPTResponse } from 'backend/chat.web';
import wixChatBackend from 'wix-chat-backend';

// Ensure messages are tracked per session or user
let messages = [{ role: "system", content: "You are a conversational assistant for CodeMasters Agency." }];

export async function wixChat_onMessage(event) {
    const chatMessage = event.payload.text;
    const channelId = event.channelId;
    const direction = event.direction;


    // Only process messages from visitors to the business
    if (direction === "VisitorToBusiness") {
        // Prevent looping on fallback messages
        if (chatMessage === "Sorry, I couldn't process your request.") {
            console.log("Ignoring fallback message to prevent looping.");

        try {
            console.log("Processing user message:", chatMessage);

            // Push user message to conversation history
            messages.push({ role: "user", content: chatMessage });

            // Get response from ChatGPT
            const chatGptResponse = await getChatGPTResponse(messages);
            console.log("ChatGPT Response:", chatGptResponse);

            // Push assistant response to conversation history
            messages.push({ role: "assistant", content: chatGptResponse });

            // Send the response back to Wix Chat
            await wixChatBackend.sendMessage({
                messageText: chatGptResponse,
                channelId: channelId,
                sendAsVisitor: false

            console.log("Message sent successfully");
        } catch (error) {
            console.error("Error handling chat message:", error);

            // Send an error message to the user
            try {
                await wixChatBackend.sendMessage({
                    messageText: "An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later.",
                    channelId: channelId,
                    sendAsVisitor: false

                console.log("Error message sent successfully");
            } catch (sendMessageError) {
                console.error("Error sending fallback message:", sendMessageError);

Explaning the code:

  • Conversation History: The messages array stores the chat's context, starting with a system message to define the chatbot's role.

  • Message Event Listener: wixChat_onMessage triggers when a user sends a message.

  • Direction Check: Only processes messages where direction === "VisitorToBusiness" to ensure the chatbot handles user messages, not its own.

  • Fallback Loop Prevention: Ignores fallback messages like "Sorry, I couldn't process your request." to avoid response loops.

  • Appending Messages:

    • User messages are added to the messages array with the role "user" for context.

    • ChatGPT responses are added with the role "assistant".

  • ChatGPT Response: Sends the messages array to the getChatGPTResponse function to generate a contextual reply.

  • Sending Replies: Uses wixChatBackend.sendMessage to send the ChatGPT response back to the user.

3.5 Save and Publish Your Changes:

  • After inserting the code, save your .jsw file by clicking on the "Save" button, usually located at the top right corner of your Wix editor.

  • Don’t forget to publish your site to make these backend changes live.

3.6 Verify the Function:

  • It's a good practice to verify that the function is working correctly.

  • You can create a small front-end test function to call getChatGPTResponse and log the result to the console.

This completes the setup for Step 3. You have now created a backend function that will interact with the ChatGPT API. The next step will guide you on how to connect this function with your Wix

4.5 Save and Publish Your Changes:

  • Save your events.js file and publish your site to make these changes live.

4.6 Test the Integration:

  • Visit your live website, use the chat feature to send a message, and verify that you receive a response generated by ChatGPT.

This Step has set up a backend wixChat_onMessage function to handle new chat messages and interact with ChatGPT. Remember, the exact implementation might vary, especially the part where Wix Chat triggers this backend function, as Wix Chat's capabilities may have evolved since the last update.

Step 5: Enhance Robustness of Code

5.1 Error Handling:

Proper error handling ensures your integration remains resilient in the face of unexpected issues, such as API errors or network failures.

  • Use try-catch blocks to catch errors and provide fallback responses.

  • Log errors for debugging and future improvements.

try {
    const chatGPTResponse = await getChatGPTResponse(messages);
    await wixChatBackend.sendMessage({
        messageText: chatGPTResponse,
        channelId: event.channelId,
        sendAsVisitor: false,
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching response from ChatGPT:', error);
    await wixChatBackend.sendMessage({
        messageText: 'Sorry, an error occurred. Please try again later.',
        channelId: event.channelId,
        sendAsVisitor: false,

5.2 Input Validation:

Validate user input to prevent issues caused by malformed or malicious input.

  • Check if the message exists, is a string, and is not empty.

  • Handle invalid inputs gracefully with an appropriate error message.

if (message.body && typeof message.body === 'string') {
    // Proceed with sending the message to ChatGPT
} else {
    console.error('Invalid message input:', message);
    wixChat.sendMessage('Sorry, I didn’t understand that. Please try again.');

5.3 Rate Limiting:

Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse and manage API request costs effectively.

  • Prevent excessive requests by checking the time elapsed since the last message.

  • Notify users politely if they are sending messages too quickly.

const RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL = 3000; // 3 seconds
let lastMessageTimestamp = 0;

function isRateLimited() {
    const now =;
    const timeSinceLastMessage = now - lastMessageTimestamp;
    if (timeSinceLastMessage < RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL) {
        return true;
    lastMessageTimestamp = now;
    return false;

// Usage
if (isRateLimited()) {
    await wixChatBackend.sendMessage({
        messageText: 'Please wait a moment before sending another message.',
        channelId: event.channelId,
        sendAsVisitor: false,

5.4 Monitoring and Logging:

Set up comprehensive monitoring and logging to track performance, identify issues, and analyze user interactions.

  • Logging: Use console.log() or a third-party logging tool to record user messages, responses, and errors.

  • Monitoring: Regularly review logs and analyze response times, error rates, and user satisfaction metrics.

  • Alerts: Implement alerts for critical issues, such as repeated API failures or high error rates.

5.5 Testing with Real Users:

Testing with real users ensures the integration performs well under practical conditions.

  • Conduct Usability Tests: Involve a diverse group of users to simulate real-world usage.

  • Gather Feedback: Ask users about their experience, including ease of use, response quality, and areas for improvement.

  • Iterate Based on Feedback: Use the insights to refine your chat assistant, ensuring it meets user expectations.

By focusing on error handling, input validation, rate limiting, and continuous improvement, you can significantly enhance the robustness of your ChatGPT and Wix Chat integration, ensuring a smooth and reliable user experience.

Watch the Integration in Action!

Follow along as we bring this blog post to life in our YouTube video tutorial. In the video, we demonstrate every step outlined here—copying and pasting the code, setting up the integration, and implementing the functionality directly on your Wix site. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this walkthrough will make the process seamless and easy to follow. Watch now and see how quickly you can get ChatGPT up and running on your site!


Integrating a real-time chat feature like Wix Chat with the cutting-edge AI capabilities of ChatGPT significantly elevates the user engagement experience on your website. This blend of real-time interaction and intelligent, automated responses not only caters to your visitors' needs promptly but also showcases your brand as innovative and customer-centric. The structured steps outlined in this guide, from account setup and backend configuration to robustness enhancements and thorough testing, provide a comprehensive pathway to achieving a seamless integration, ensuring stability and effectiveness in facilitating real-time, intelligent interactions on your website.

The journey towards optimizing user engagement doesn't end with this integration. It's a continuous process of monitoring, collecting feedback, and making iterative improvements to stay aligned with evolving user expectations. The value added by real-time, intelligent interactions is immense, and with technologies like ChatGPT, the scope of enhancing user satisfaction and engagement is vast. Stay tuned for our follow-up blog post where we will delve deeper into analyzing the impact of ChatGPT integration and how to leverage data insights for further optimization.

Excited about the possibilities? Head over to our demo page and dive into the interactive chat experience we've crafted for you!

Engage with CodeMasters: Your Partner in Integrating Wix Chat with ChatGPT

Ready to transform your website into a dynamic, user-friendly space? At CodeMasters, we excel in delivering tailored web development solutions infused with the latest technologies. Our expertise in AI integrations like ChatGPT can propel your website to new heights of user engagement and satisfaction. Discover the breadth of our web development services and let’s embark on a journey towards digital excellence together. Stay ahead with CodeMasters, and look forward to more insightful explorations in our upcoming blog posts!

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